Gobattle.io Play

Hello guys welcome to my first video and I'm joined by fire pro I'm gonna try to find them so this game um so, this game is about like killing and stuff oh shoot oh shoot and you try to be number one and collect these coins and then I'm gonna try to find him so, this is basically how you, kill you practically get weapons by um like collecting them around they're scattered around the map there's health potions around the map basically you kill these.

Guys you get coins and if you get twenty coins you basically have get a weapon upgrade one for every weapon you have so um Oh fire, pro is right up there he's right there he's on the lead board right now oh no he's sixth place okay I killed dizzy boy. You know how I can't kill this guy no God dang it, guys you guys can't hear a boo but I can we have this we, have discord so make sure to check out our discourse I'll leave the discord a group group um server in link in the description and oh god there's a guy right. There kya oh no I died fire. I died oh good this this is awkward because they can't hear you sorry guys but oh shoot oh shoot I'm gonna kill this guy named Panda yeah there we go.

Oh there's Charlie Charlie happy car guys Shane is one of, my friends in this game so but he accidentally killed me when I free joined yeah he was my teammate um we actually like team for a while but then we stopped schema, alkaline and yeah you guys know but fire bro where are you bro where are.

You oh you got double knife Scott ding I died again oh he's number 5 on the league board like. Right now this one okay I need to try to find him he's a unicorn. So if you guys oh there he is there he is found it I'm Jeff.

Found it oh shoot oh she try to kill that guy see he has on double so right here team team team team so if you just do this this is like teaming, basically okay basic no I need that no oh my gosh I need coin still oh oh shoot, oh shoot you're not you're not savage or are, you oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot I need to get out get out oh god there's a guy right there oh no Charlie Charlie oh shoot oh shoot there we go that. Was mine no don't actually me she died both of you I'm talking I was double oh there's coins everywhere good one. Cuz there I found a coin okay that's, bad actually I'm number eight so try to find me wait whoa there's people everywhere around people shooting wait where do you think you are what do you think you are okay. I'm going I'm going up the ice if I don't die if I, don't just say there bro there's a help pushing right there yeah took it I took it I'm like 75% help Irina yo and I hate. Shirtkin Stu please okay I got triple sure Oh God bendy killed, me no no wait which one uh oh yeah I'm in I'm in a kind of practical okay wait.

Somebody's shooting at me from my soil I don't know if that was you actually, it's actually Bonnie yeah I used to rapid fire with triple sharpens oh man you should need to get 100 coins I'll shoot someone spamming it stop no see. I'm actually did you stop someone's up here I found shuriken I found three health potions no God dang.

I can take oh no oh no I got I'm gonna I'm gonna die I can't find you bro can't find you fire fire fire nothing but, um it's what the heck I can't find you where are you okay like go to the, entrance of the of the seeker like go to the entrance I'm going to try to be there Shh oh shoot what what do.

You mean which right like.

The one me and Shane we're staying in which one oh the rain one okay then I'm trying to go down trying to get out, of this building but I can't personal reason yeah good job up yeah good job buddy good job buddy you died and go okay man. He just died Oh sad oh shoot okay I'm at the UM I'm at the rain right now I don't, oh my god go back at the rain your yeah oh yes I am I'm not my game just froze my, game just froze yes oh man Oh dis is, so sad I'm sorry guys but we're going to have to wrap it up and you wrapped up for me teacher see you guys next time and this is a first video and bye .